If you've been following the project, you already know that the town of Orange voted 1291-1233 in November of 2022 not to borrow funds for the proposed library project. For the next several months, the library director and trustees worked with other libraries to attempt to secure fadditional funding from the state ARPA funds, but in 2023, the board voted to accept the town's vote, decline the 2016/2017 construction grant, and focus their energy on the 2023/2024 construction grant round.
As of April, 2023, the library has filed a letter of intent for the new grant round, and the Building Committee will continue to meet monthly to work on the new grant application.If you'd like to get involved, watch this space and e-mail Jessica at director@orangelib.org, or come to a Building Committee meeting! We love seeing new faces at our meetings. And we want to hear from everyone, even if you're not sure yet whether you support the project or not!
To review documents from the 2026/2027 grant round, click here.